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God's Word For
136 Years

Kelvin C. Brooks Sr.






Associate Ministers
Lester Coleman
Jamie Robinson
Brady Smith Jr.

Deacon Ministry
Ronald Wade
Monty Buckles
Trustee Chairman

Pulpit Ministry

Pastor, Kelvin C. Brooks

​  Lester Coleman

Jamie Robinson

Brady Smith Jr.​


Deacon Ministry

Phillip Jacques​​

Kevin Dotson Sr. (Vice-Chair)​

Willie Kyser​

Sam Stafford


Deaconess Ministry

Josephine Batiste (Chair)​

Ruby Gaines (Vice-Chair)​

Stephanie Brooks

Ida Olden

Mozelle Coleman

Patricia Payne

Shirley Buckles

Lovie Frank


Other Ministry Chairs​

Brenda Green ( Sup. Sun. Sch., & Mass Choir Chair)​

Audrey O’Connor (Ushers Director)​

Shirley Clark (Dean, C. Ed.)​

Lovie Frank (N.B.C. Home Mission, Chair)​

Reginald Richard (Brotherhood Chair)​

Fay Davis (Dir. Christian ED.)​

Delbert Lewis (Min. of Music)​

Henry Thomas (Male Chorus Chair)​

Audrey Williams (Women’s Choir Chair)


Scholarship Fund

Nancy Scott (President)

Mission Statement


Obedient to God's Word​

Attentive to the Needs of Others,

Serving with the Heart and Mind of Christ

Inviting Others to Christ, While

Seeking the Salvation of the Lost




Cash App: $NazareneBC

The Church Where You Enter To Worship And Depart To Serve

1707 Spanish Town Rd. Baton Rouge La. 70802

2024 by Nazarene Baptist Church 

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